Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nobody wins, but everyone has a good POO!

The Championsh*t was moving along with a 2-2 tie between sChag and Clutch with ANT dragging a$$ with only 1 win. PooTrophy thinks that sChag had this win. Clutch was proving a mighty foe, but ANT was making enough shots to keep Clutch wallowing knee deep in stinky, sticky cheese.

Then... disaster struck! Or was it? PooTrophy thinks not. Out of a bad situation produced a good, satisfying poo (yes, the corn you had last night). Up until this point ANT had asked for permission from Tom, Clutch's Dad, and Jesse, sChag's Grandpa to work with Clutch and sChag to create the trophy. Other than permission from Clutch's Dad, Tom - ANT hadn't spoken to him much.

Tonight ANT had the opportunity to talk with Tom about what had transpired. The result: A better understanding of what happened and a clear path of where to go if something like this should happen again. Specifically from ~ANT: I want to thank Tom for the opportunity to make it all make sense. No "Hershey Squirts".... simple honesty, respect, and trust. Good stuff!

It should be said because they deserve all of our respect!!!:..... Without Tom, Sheryl, Jesse, Deb, and Ann playing for this trophy could have never happened. As long as we play by the rules we can play FOREVER!! Forever rules!... because it's not possible.

Thank you-PooTrophy, I'm out!

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