Monday, May 28, 2007

Clutch and sChag get a case of "THE BURNS"

ANT grows sideburns for intimidation. Did it work? ANT came home with the trophy and is now on a run. In a lazy, unfocused game ANT stayed out in front just far enough to never be concerned about losing the trophy. With his 2nd win in a row he is working on a short, but good run. Check out the Championsh*t Records... 8 to 7 to 1.... a comeback is happening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna make it 3 in a row. No mercy!! Before the game, after the game I have favorites that I want to win and who I think should win....(often not me), but during the game... no respect, no prisoners, I coming back home with the POO Championsh*t Trophy!!!